Application Compilation

A COMPSs Java application needs to be packaged in a jar file containing the class files of the main code, of the methods implementations and of the Itf annotation. This jar package can be generated using the commands available in the Java SDK or creating your application as a Apache Maven project.

To integrate COMPSs in the maven compile process you just need to add the compss-api artifact as dependency in the application project.


To build the jar in the maven case use the following command

$ mvn package

Next we provide a set of commands to compile the Java Simple application (detailed at Java Sample applications).

$ cd tutorial_apps/java/simple/src/main/java/simple/
$~/tutorial_apps/java/simple/src/main/java/simple$ javac *.java
$~/tutorial_apps/java/simple/src/main/java/simple$ cd ..
$~/tutorial_apps/java/simple/src/main/java$ jar cf simple.jar simple/
$~/tutorial_apps/java/simple/src/main/java$ mv ./simple.jar ../../../jar/

In order to properly compile the code, the CLASSPATH variable has to contain the path of the compss-engine.jar package. The default COMPSs installation automatically add this package to the CLASSPATH; please check that your environment variable CLASSPATH contains the compss-engine.jar location by running the following command:

$ echo $CLASSPATH | grep compss-engine

If the result of the previous command is empty it means that you are missing the compss-engine.jar package in your classpath. We recommend to automatically load the variable by editing the .bashrc file:

$ echo "# COMPSs variables for Java compilation" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/opt/COMPSs/Runtime/compss-engine.jar" >> ~/.bashrc

If you are using an IDE (such as Eclipse or NetBeans) we recommend you to add the compss-engine.jar file as an external file to the project. The compss-engine.jar file is available at your current COMPSs installation under the following path: /opt/COMPSs/Runtime/compss-engine.jar

Please notice that if you have performed a custom installation, the location of the package can be different.