Pi estimation

The Pi estimation application is a Python application that estimates the value of pi by “throwing darts” at a circle. In this example, we provide the Pi estimation implementation using the DDS interface:

Example is taken from: https://spark.apache.org/examples.html

Code 134 Pi estimation application using DDS interface (pi_estimation_dds.py)
from pycompss.dds import DDS

def inside(_):
    """Check if inside.

    :returns: If inside.
    import random

    rand_x = random.random()
    rand_y = random.random()
    return (rand_x * rand_x) + (rand_y * rand_y) < 1

def pi_estimation():
    """Pi estimation.

    Example is taken from: https://spark.apache.org/examples.html

    :returns: The estimated pi value.
    print("Estimating Pi by 'throwing darts' algorithm.")
    tries = 100000
    print(f"Number of tries: {tries}")

    count = DDS().load(range(0, tries), 10).filter(inside).count()
    rough_pi = 4.0 * count / tries
    print(f"Pi is roughly {rough_pi}")
    return rough_pi

if __name__ == "__main__":
    _ = pi_estimation()

The Pi estimation application does not require any specific parameter and can be executed by invoking the runcompss command directly.

The following lines provide an example of its execution.

compss@bsc:~$ runcompss --graph pi_estimation_dds.py
[ INFO ] Inferred PYTHON language
[ INFO ] Using default location for project file: /opt/COMPSs//Runtime/configuration/xml/projects/default_project.xml
[ INFO ] Using default location for resources file: /opt/COMPSs//Runtime/configuration/xml/resources/default_resources.xml
[ INFO ] Using default execution type: compss

----------------- Executing pi_estimation_dds.py --------------------------

WARNING: COMPSs Properties file is null. Setting default values
[(626)    API]  -  Starting COMPSs Runtime v3.3 (build 20231107-1626.rfd920cb7d4a03b1e84725271049e91f5de261e8c)
Estimating Pi by 'throwing darts' algorithm.
Number of tries: 100000
Pi is roughly 3.13944
[(7019)    API]  -  Execution Finished


Figure 8 depicts the generated task dependency graph.

Python Pi estimation using DDS interface tasks graph

Figure 8 Python Pi estimation using DDS interface tasks graph