
The COMPSs Framework can be installed in any Supercomputer by installing its packages as in a normal distribution. The packages are ready to be reallocated so the administrators can choose the right location for the COMPSs installation.

However, if the administrators are not willing to install COMPSs through the packaging system, we also provide a COMPSs zipped file containing a pre-build script to easily install COMPSs. Next subsections provide further information about this process.


In order to successfully run the installation script some dependencies must be present on the target machine. Administrators must provide the correct installation and environment of the following software:

  • Autotools


  • Java 8 JRE

The following environment variables must be defined:



The tracing system can be enhanced with:

  • PAPI, which provides support for harware counters

  • MPI, which speeds up the tracing merge (and enables it for huge traces)


To perform the COMPSs Framework installation please execute the following commands:

$ # Check out the last COMPSs release
$ wget<version>.tar.gz

$ # Unpackage COMPSs
$ tar -xvzf COMPSs_<version>.tar.gz

$ # Install COMPSs at your preferred target location
$ cd COMPSs
$ ./install <targetDir> [<supercomputer.cfg>]

$ # Clean downloaded files
$ rm -r COMPSs
$ rm COMPSs_<version>.tar.gz

The installation script will create a COMPSs folder inside the given <targetDir> so the final COMPSs installation will be placed under the <targetDir>/COMPSs folder.


If the <targetDir>/COMPSs folder already exists it will be automatically erased.

  After completing the previous steps, administrators must ensure that the nodes have passwordless ssh access. If it is not the case, please contact the COMPSs team at

  The COMPSs package also provides a compssenv file that loads the required environment to allow users work more easily with COMPSs. Thus, after the installation process we recomend to source the <targetDir>/COMPSs/compssenv into the users .bashrc.

  Once done, remember to log out and back in again to end the installation process.


To maintain the portability between different environments, COMPSs has a pre-built structure of scripts to execute applications in Supercomputers. For this purpose, users must use the enqueue_compss script provided in the COMPSs installation and specify the supercomputer configuration with --sc_cfg flag.

When installing COMPSs for a supercomputer, system administrators must define a configuration file for the specific Supercomputer parameters. This document gives and overview about how to modify the configuration files in order to customize the enqueue_compss for a specific queue system and supercomputer. As overview, the easier way to proceed when creating a new configuration is to modify one of the configurations provided by COMPSs. System sdministrators can find configurations for LSF, SLURM, PBS and SGE as well as several examples for Supercomputer configurations in <installation_dir>/Runtime/scripts/queues. For instance, the configuration for the MareNostrum IV Supercomputer and the Slurm queue system, can be used as base file for new supercomputer and queue system cfgs. Sysadmins can modify these files by changing the flags, parameters, paths and default values that corresponds to your supercomputer. Once, the files have been modified, they must be copied to the queues folder to make them available to the users. The following paragraph describe more in detail the scripts and configuration files If you need help, contact

COMPSs Queue structure overview

All the scripts and cfg files shown in Figure 4 are located in the <installation_dir>/Runtime/scripts/ folder. enqueue_compss and launch_compss ( in the figure) are in the user subfolder and and the cfgs are located in queues. There are two types of cfg files: the queue system cfg files, which are located in queues/queue_systems; and the supercomputers cfg files, which are located in queues/supercomputers.

Structure of COMPSs queue scripts. In Blue user scripts, in Green queue scripts and in Orange system dependant scripts

Figure 4 Structure of COMPSs queue scripts. In Blue user scripts, in Green queue scripts and in Orange system dependant scripts

Configuration Files

The cfg files contain a set of bash variables which are used by the other scripts. On the one hand, the queue system cfgs contain the variables to indicate the commands used by the system to submit and spawn processes, the commands or variables to get the allocated nodes and the directives to indicate the number of nodes, processes, etc. Below you can see an example of the most important variable definition for Slurm

# Submission command (
# Variables to define the directives as #${QUEUE_CMD} ${ARG_*}${QUEUE_SEPARATOR}value (
#vars to customize the commands know job id and allocated nodes (
HOSTLIST_CMD="scontrol show hostname"
HOSTLIST_TREATMENT="| awk {' print \$1 '} | sed -e 's/\.[^\ ]*//g'"
#vars to customize worker process spawn inside the job (launch_compss)
LAUNCH_PARAMS="-n1 -N1 --nodelist="

To adapt this script to your queue system, you just need to change the variable value to the command, argument or value required in your system. If you find that some of this variables are not available in your system, leave it empty.

On the other hand, the supercomputers cfg files contains a set of variables to indicate the queue system used by a supercomputer, paths where the shared disk is mounted, the default values that COMPSs will set in the project and resources files when they are not set by the user and flags to indicate if a functionality is available or not in a supercomputer. The following lines show examples of this variables for the MareNostrum IV supercomputer.


# Default values enqueue_compss
# Enabling/disabling queue system features
#Other values
REMOTE_EXECUTOR="none" #disable the ssh spawn at runtime
NETWORK_INFINIBAND_SUFFIX="-ib0" #hostname suffix to add in order to use infiniband
NETWORK_DATA_SUFFIX="-data" #hostname suffix to add in order to use infiniband
MASTER_NAME_CMD=hostname #command to know the mastername

To adapt this script to your supercomputer, you just need to change the variables to commands paths or values which are set in your system. If you find that some of this values are not available in your system, leave them empty or as they are in the MareNostrum IV.

How are cfg files used in scripts?

The is in charge of getting some of the arguments from enqueue_compss, generating the a temporal job submission script for the queue_system (function create_normal_tmp_submit) and performing the submission in the scheduler (function submit). The functions used in are implemented in If you look at the code of this script, you will see that most of the code is customized by a set of bash vars which are mainly defined in the cfg files.

For instance the submit command is customized in the following way:


Where ${SUBMISSION_CMD} and ${SUBMISSION_PIPE} are defined in the queue_system.cfg. So, for the case of Slurm, at execution time it is translated to something like sbatch < /tmp/tmp_submit_script

The same approach is used for the queue system directives defined in the submission script or in the command to get the assigned host list.

The following lines show the examples in these cases.


In the case of Slurm in MN, it generates something like #SBATCH --job-name=COMPSs

host_list=\$(${HOSTLIST_CMD} \$${ENV_VAR_NODE_LIST}${env_var_suffix} ${HOSTLIST_TREATMENT})

The same approach is used in the launch_compss script where it is using the defined vars to customize the project.xml and resources.xml file generation and spawning the master and worker processes in the assigned resources.

At first, you should not need to modify any script. The goal of the cfg files is that sysadmins just require to modify the supercomputers cfg, and in the case that the used queue system is not in the queue_systems, folder it should create a new one for the new one.

If you think that some of the features of your system are not supported in the current implementation, please contact us at We will discuss how it should be incorporated in the scripts.

Post installation

To check that COMPSs Framework has been successfully installed you may run:

$ # Check the COMPSs version
$ runcompss -v
COMPSs version <version>

For queue system executions, COMPSs provides several prebuild queue scripts than can be accessible throgh the enqueue_compss command. Users can check the available options by running:

$ enqueue_compss -h

Usage: /apps/COMPSs/2.7/Runtime/scripts/user/enqueue_compss [queue_system_options] [COMPSs_options] application_name application_arguments

* Options:
    --help, -h                              Print this help message
    --heterogeneous                         Indicates submission is going to be heterogeneous
                                            Default: Disabled
  Queue system configuration:
    --sc_cfg=<name>                         SuperComputer configuration file to use. Must exist inside queues/cfgs/
                                            Default: default

  Submission configuration:
  General submision arguments:
    --exec_time=<minutes>                   Expected execution time of the application (in minutes)
                                            Default: 10
    --job_name=<name>                       Job name
                                            Default: COMPSs
    --queue=<name>                          Queue name to submit the job. Depends on the queue system.
                                            For example (MN3): bsc_cs | bsc_debug | debug | interactive
                                            Default: default
    --reservation=<name>                    Reservation to use when submitting the job.
                                            Default: disabled
    --constraints=<constraints>             Constraints to pass to queue system.
                                            Default: disabled
    --qos=<qos>                             Quality of Service to pass to the queue system.
                                            Default: default
    --cpus_per_task                         Number of cpus per task the queue system must allocate per task.
                                            Note that this will be equal to the cpus_per_node in a worker node and
                                            equal to the worker_in_master_cpus in a master node respectively.
                                            Default: false
    --job_dependency=<jobID>                Postpone job execution until the job dependency has ended.
                                            Default: None
    --storage_home=<string>                 Root installation dir of the storage implementation
                                            Default: null
    --storage_props=<string>                Absolute path of the storage properties file
                                            Mandatory if storage_home is defined
  Normal submission arguments:
    --num_nodes=<int>                       Number of nodes to use
                                            Default: 2
    --num_switches=<int>                    Maximum number of different switches. Select 0 for no restrictions.
                                            Maximum nodes per switch: 18
                                            Only available for at least 4 nodes.
                                            Default: 0
    --agents=<string>                       Hierarchy of agents for the deployment. Accepted values: plain|tree
                                            Default: tree
    --agents                                Deploys the runtime as agents instead of the classic Master-Worker deployment.
                                            Default: disabled
  Heterogeneous submission arguments:
    --type_cfg=<file_location>              Location of the file with the descriptions of node type requests
                                            File should follow the following format:
    --master=<master_node_type>             Node type for the master
                                            (Node type descriptions are provided in the --type_cfg flag)
    --workers=type_X:nodes,type_Y:nodes     Node type and number of nodes per type for the workers
                                            (Node type descriptions are provided in the --type_cfg flag)
  Launch configuration:
    --cpus_per_node=<int>                   Available CPU computing units on each node
                                            Default: 48
    --gpus_per_node=<int>                   Available GPU computing units on each node
                                            Default: 0
    --fpgas_per_node=<int>                  Available FPGA computing units on each node
                                            Default: 0
    --io_executors=<int>                    Number of IO executors on each node
                                            Default: 0
    --fpga_reprogram="<string>              Specify the full command that needs to be executed to reprogram the FPGA with
                                            the desired bitstream. The location must be an absolute path.
    --max_tasks_per_node=<int>              Maximum number of simultaneous tasks running on a node
                                            Default: -1
    --node_memory=<MB>                      Maximum node memory: disabled | <int> (MB)
                                            Default: disabled
    --node_storage_bandwidth=<MB>           Maximum node storage bandwidth: <int> (MB)
                                            Default: 450

    --network=<name>                        Communication network for transfers: default | ethernet | infiniband | data.
                                            Default: infiniband

    --prolog="<string>"                     Task to execute before launching COMPSs (Notice the quotes)
                                            If the task has arguments split them by "," rather than spaces.
                                            This argument can appear multiple times for more than one prolog action
                                            Default: Empty
    --epilog="<string>"                     Task to execute after executing the COMPSs application (Notice the quotes)
                                            If the task has arguments split them by "," rather than spaces.
                                            This argument can appear multiple times for more than one epilog action
                                            Default: Empty

    --master_working_dir=<path>             Working directory of the application
                                            Default: .
    --worker_working_dir=<name | path>      Worker directory. Use: scratch | gpfs | <path>
                                            Default: scratch

    --worker_in_master_cpus=<int>           Maximum number of CPU computing units that the master node can run as worker. Cannot exceed cpus_per_node.
                                            Default: 24
    --worker_in_master_memory=<int> MB      Maximum memory in master node assigned to the worker. Cannot exceed the node_memory.
                                            Mandatory if worker_in_master_cpus is specified.
                                            Default: 50000
    --worker_port_range=<min>,<max>         Port range used by the NIO adaptor at the worker side
                                            Default: 43001,43005
    --jvm_worker_in_master_opts="<string>"  Extra options for the JVM of the COMPSs Worker in the Master Node.
                                            Each option separed by "," and without blank spaces (Notice the quotes)
    --container_image=<path>                Runs the application by means of a container engine image
                                            Default: Empty
    --container_compss_path=<path>          Path where compss is installed in the container image
                                            Default: /opt/COMPSs
    --container_opts="<string>"             Options to pass to the container engine
                                            Default: empty
    --elasticity=<max_extra_nodes>          Activate elasticity specifiying the maximum extra nodes (ONLY AVAILABLE FORM SLURM CLUSTERS WITH NIO ADAPTOR)
                                            Default: 0
    --automatic_scaling=<bool>              Enable or disable the runtime automatic scaling (for elasticity)
                                            Default: true
    --jupyter_notebook=<path>,              Swap the COMPSs master initialization with jupyter notebook from the specified path.
    --jupyter_notebook                      Default: false

  Runcompss configuration:

  Tools enablers:
    --graph=<bool>, --graph, -g             Generation of the complete graph (true/false)
                                            When no value is provided it is set to true
                                            Default: false
    --tracing=<level>, --tracing, -t        Set generation of traces and/or tracing level ( [ true | basic ] | advanced | scorep | arm-map | arm-ddt | false)
                                            True and basic levels will produce the same traces.
                                            When no value is provided it is set to 1
                                            Default: 0
    --monitoring=<int>, --monitoring, -m    Period between monitoring samples (milliseconds)
                                            When no value is provided it is set to 2000
                                            Default: 0
    --external_debugger                     Enables external debugger connection on the specified port (or 9999 if empty)
                                            Default: false
    --jmx_port=<int>                        Enable JVM profiling on specified port

  Runtime configuration options:
    --task_execution=<compss|storage>       Task execution under COMPSs or Storage.
                                            Default: compss
    --storage_impl=<string>                 Path to an storage implementation. Shortcut to setting pypath and classpath. See Runtime/storage in your installation folder.
    --storage_conf=<path>                   Path to the storage configuration file
                                            Default: null
    --project=<path>                        Path to the project XML file
                                            Default: /apps/COMPSs/2.7//Runtime/configuration/xml/projects/default_project.xml
    --resources=<path>                      Path to the resources XML file
                                            Default: /apps/COMPSs/2.7//Runtime/configuration/xml/resources/default_resources.xml
    --lang=<name>                           Language of the application (java/c/python)
                                            Default: Inferred is possible. Otherwise: java
    --summary                               Displays a task execution summary at the end of the application execution
                                            Default: false
    --log_level=<level>, --debug, -d        Set the debug level: off | info | debug
                                            Warning: Off level compiles with -O2 option disabling asserts and __debug__
                                            Default: off

  Advanced options:
    --extrae_config_file=<path>             Sets a custom extrae config file. Must be in a shared disk between all COMPSs workers.
                                            Default: null
    --trace_label=<string>                  Add a label in the generated trace file. Only used in the case of tracing is activated.
                                            Default: None
    --comm=<ClassName>                      Class that implements the adaptor for communications
                                            Supported adaptors:
                                                  ├── es.bsc.compss.nio.master.NIOAdaptor
                                                  └── es.bsc.compss.gat.master.GATAdaptor
                                            Default: es.bsc.compss.nio.master.NIOAdaptor
    --conn=<className>                      Class that implements the runtime connector for the cloud
                                            Supported connectors:
                                                  ├── es.bsc.compss.connectors.DefaultSSHConnector
                                                  └── es.bsc.compss.connectors.DefaultNoSSHConnector
                                            Default: es.bsc.compss.connectors.DefaultSSHConnector
    --streaming=<type>                      Enable the streaming mode for the given type.
                                            Supported types: FILES, OBJECTS, PSCOS, ALL, NONE
                                            Default: NONE
    --streaming_master_name=<str>           Use an specific streaming master node name.
                                            Default: null
    --streaming_master_port=<int>           Use an specific port for the streaming master.
                                            Default: null
    --scheduler=<className>                 Class that implements the Scheduler for COMPSs
                                            Supported schedulers:
                                                  ├── es.bsc.compss.scheduler.fifo.FIFOScheduler
                                                  ├── es.bsc.compss.scheduler.fifodata.FIFODataScheduler
                                                  ├── es.bsc.compss.scheduler.lifo.LIFOScheduler
                                                  ├── es.bsc.compss.components.impl.TaskScheduler
                                                  └── es.bsc.compss.scheduler.loadbalancing.LoadBalancingScheduler
                                            Default: es.bsc.compss.scheduler.loadbalancing.LoadBalancingScheduler
    --scheduler_config_file=<path>          Path to the file which contains the scheduler configuration.
                                            Default: Empty
    --library_path=<path>                   Non-standard directories to search for libraries (e.g. Java JVM library, Python library, C binding library)
                                            Default: Working Directory
    --classpath=<path>                      Path for the application classes / modules
                                            Default: Working Directory
    --appdir=<path>                         Path for the application class folder.
                                            Default: /home/group/user
    --pythonpath=<path>                     Additional folders or paths to add to the PYTHONPATH
                                            Default: /home/group/user
    --base_log_dir=<path>                   Base directory to store COMPSs log files (a .COMPSs/ folder will be created inside this location)
                                            Default: User home
    --specific_log_dir=<path>               Use a specific directory to store COMPSs log files (no sandbox is created)
                                            Warning: Overwrites --base_log_dir option
                                            Default: Disabled
    --uuid=<int>                            Preset an application UUID
                                            Default: Automatic random generation
    --master_name=<string>                  Hostname of the node to run the COMPSs master
    --master_port=<int>                     Port to run the COMPSs master communications.
                                            Only for NIO adaptor
                                            Default: [43000,44000]
    --jvm_master_opts="<string>"            Extra options for the COMPSs Master JVM. Each option separed by "," and without blank spaces (Notice the quotes)
    --jvm_workers_opts="<string>"           Extra options for the COMPSs Workers JVMs. Each option separed by "," and without blank spaces (Notice the quotes)
                                            Default: -Xms1024m,-Xmx1024m,-Xmn400m
    --cpu_affinity="<string>"               Sets the CPU affinity for the workers
                                            Supported options: disabled, automatic, user defined map of the form "0-8/9,10,11/12-14,15,16"
                                            Default: automatic
    --gpu_affinity="<string>"               Sets the GPU affinity for the workers
                                            Supported options: disabled, automatic, user defined map of the form "0-8/9,10,11/12-14,15,16"
                                            Default: automatic
    --fpga_affinity="<string>"              Sets the FPGA affinity for the workers
                                            Supported options: disabled, automatic, user defined map of the form "0-8/9,10,11/12-14,15,16"
                                            Default: automatic
    --fpga_reprogram="<string>"             Specify the full command that needs to be executed to reprogram the FPGA with the desired bitstream. The location must be an absolute path.
    --io_executors=<int>                    IO Executors per worker
                                            Default: 0
    --task_count=<int>                      Only for C/Python Bindings. Maximum number of different functions/methods, invoked from the application, that have been selected as tasks
                                            Default: 50
    --input_profile=<path>                  Path to the file which stores the input application profile
                                            Default: Empty
    --output_profile=<path>                 Path to the file to store the application profile at the end of the execution
                                            Default: Empty
    --PyObject_serialize=<bool>             Only for Python Binding. Enable the object serialization to string when possible (true/false).
                                            Default: false
    --persistent_worker_c=<bool>            Only for C Binding. Enable the persistent worker in c (true/false).
                                            Default: false
    --enable_external_adaptation=<bool>     Enable external adaptation. This option will disable the Resource Optimizer.
                                            Default: false
    --gen_coredump                          Enable master coredump generation
                                            Default: false
    --python_interpreter=<string>           Python interpreter to use (python/python2/python3).
                                            Default: python Version: 3
    --python_propagate_virtual_environment=<true>  Propagate the master virtual environment to the workers (true/false).
                                                   Default: true
    --python_mpi_worker=<false>             Use MPI to run the python worker instead of multiprocessing. (true/false).
                                            Default: false

* Application name:
    For Java applications:   Fully qualified name of the application
    For C applications:      Path to the master binary
    For Python applications: Path to the .py file containing the main program

* Application arguments:
    Command line arguments to pass to the application. Can be empty.

If none of the pre-build queue configurations adapts to your infrastructure (lsf, pbs, slurm, etc.) please contact the COMPSs team at to find out a solution.

If you are willing to test the COMPSs Framework installation you can run any of the applications available at our application repository We suggest to run the java simple application following the steps listed inside its README file.

For further information about either the installation or the usage please check the README file inside the COMPSs package.