Energy Measurement with EAR

The COMPSs Framework includes the integration with the Energy Management Framework for HPC (EAR) for energy consumption measurement of your workflows.


The power consumption measurement is ONLY AVAILABLE for HPC environments (i.e. using enqueue_compss) where EAR is available and with Python applications.

It is NOT SUPPORTED using agents, local machines (i.e. using runcompss), nor Java/C/C++ COMPSs applications.


The integration is on its very first steps and may be unstable.

Please, report any issue that may appear to so that we can improve the integration.

Software dependencies

Power consumption with COMPSs depends on the Energy Management Framework for HPC (EAR) thus, it must be installed before the ear option can be used.


The way of activating the energy measurement of a Workflow with COMPSs is very simple. One must only enable the --ear flag followed by true or the EAR parameters when using enqueue_compss to submit a COMPSs application. As shown in the help option:

$ enqueue_compss -h

--ear=<bool|string>                     Activate the usage of EAR for power consumption measurement.
                                        The value of string are the parameter to be used with EAR.
                                        Default: false

In addition to the boolean, this flag also accepts a <string>, whose value is passed directly to EAR. Consequently, any EAR parameter desired by the user can be defined through the flag.

The resulting metrics will be stored in <log_dir>/.COMPSs/<job_id>/energy folder.


EAR also supports some parameters through the environment variables definition (check EAR documentation).

The following example shows some of these parameters.


This section illustrates how to measure the power consumption of a sample application (Kmeans) in MareNostrum 4.

The first step is to connect to MareNostrum 4 and create a file containing the the Kmeans application shown in Kmeans example.

The second step is to create a submission script, for example This script loads all necessary MN4 modules as well as invokes the enqueue_compss command to submit the application execution to SLURM with the required --ear flag for power consumption measurement:

Code 144 script on MN4
#!/bin/bash -e

module load COMPSs/Trunk
module load ear/4.3-compss

# The next two lines will be included in ear/4.3-compss module file
export EAR_CPU_TDP=150

# Define script variables
scriptDir=$(pwd)/$(dirname $0)

# Retrieve arguments

# Leave application args on $@
shift 2

# Enqueue the application
enqueue_compss \
    --qos=debug \
    --num_nodes=$numNodes \
    --exec_time=$executionTime \
    --constraints=perfparanoid \
    --worker_working_dir=$(pwd) \
    --pythonpath=$appPythonpath \
    --lang=python \
    --ear=true \
    $execFile $@

# Call:
# Example:
#       ./ 2 10 72000 3 4 72


The --constraints=perfparanoid is required in MN4 in order to get some of the performance metrics that EAR is able to harvest during the application execution. It may not be needed in other clusters or HPC machines.

Next, we can then give execution permission to the submission script and launch our kmeans execution with EAR:

$ chmod 744
$ ./ 2 10 false 72000 3 4 72

This will submit the job to SLURM and we will have to wait for its completion.

Result metrics

Once the application has finished, the EAR metrics will be created In the ${HOME}/.COMPSs/<JOB_ID>/energy/ folder. Its contents will look like:

$ cd ${HOME}/.COMPSs/123456/energy/
$ energy> tree
└── kmeans
    ├── kmeans.s10r2b48.time.csv
    ├── kmeans.s10r2b48.time.loops.csv
    ├── kmeans.s14r2b24.time.csv
    └── kmeans.s14r2b24.time.loops.csv

Each file contains the power consumption among other metrics gathered by EAR per process. In particular, this execution has been performed with two MN4 nodes, where the first node contains 24 worker processes and the second 48 worker processes.

These log files can be visualized with Grafana for a more convenient power consumption and performance analysis.


Metrics Visualization is under construction.