1. Programming Model

1.1. Task Selection

As in the case of Java, a COMPSs Python application is a Python sequential program that contains calls to tasks. In particular, the user can select as a task:

  • Functions

  • Instance methods: methods invoked on objects.

  • Class methods: static methods belonging to a class.

The task definition in Python is done by means of Python decorators instead of an annotated interface. In particular, the user needs to add a @task decorator that describes the task before the definition of the function/method.

As an example (Code 16), let us assume that the application calls a function func, which receives a file path (string parameter) and an integer parameter. The code of func updates the file.

Code 16 Python application example
def func(file_path, value):
    # update the file 'file_path'

def main():
    my_file = '/tmp/sample_file.txt'
    func(my_file, 1)

if __name__ == '__main__':

In order to select func as a task, the corresponding @task decorator needs to be placed right before the definition of the function, providing some metadata about the parameters of that function. The @task decorator has to be imported from the pycompss library (Code 17).

Code 17 Python task import
from pycompss.api.task import task

def func():

1.1.1. Function parameters

The @task decorator does not interfere with the function parameters, Consequently, the user can define the function parameters as normal python functions (Code 18).

Code 18 Task function parameters example
def func(param1, param2):

The use of *args and **kwargs as function parameters is supported (Code 19).

Code 19 Python task *args and **kwargs example
def argkwarg_func(*args, **kwargs):

And even with other parameters, such as usual parameters and default defined arguments. Code 20 shows an example of a task with two three parameters (whose one of them (’s’) has a default value), *args and **kwargs.

Code 20 Python task with default parameters example
def multiarguments_func(v, w, s = 2, *args, **kwargs):

1.1.2. Tasks within classes

Functions within classes can also be declared as tasks as normal functions. The main difference is the existence of the self parameter which enables to modify the callee object.

For tasks corresponding to instance methods, by default the task is assumed to modify the callee object (the object on which the method is invoked). The programmer can tell otherwise by setting the target_direction argument of the @task decorator to IN (Code 21).

Code 21 Python instance method example
class MyClass(object):
    def instance_method(self):
        ... # self is NOT modified here

Class methods and static methods can also be declared as tasks. The only requirement is to place the @classmethod or @staticmethod over the @task decorator (Code 22). Note that there is no need to use the target_direction flag within the @task decorator.

Code 22 Python @classmethod and @staticmethod tasks example
class MyClass(object):
    def class_method(cls, a, b, c):

    def static_method(a, b, c):


Tasks inheritance and overriding supported!!!


The objects used as task parameters MUST BE serializable:

  • Implement the __getstate__ and __setstate__ functions in their classes for those objects that are not automatically serializable.

  • The classes must not be declared in the same file that contains the main method (if __name__=='__main__') (known pickle issue).


For instances of user-defined classes, the classes of these objects should have an empty constructor, otherwise the programmer will not be able to invoke task instance methods on those objects (Code 23).

Code 23 Using user-defined classes as task returns
# In file utils.py
from pycompss.api.task import task
class MyClass(object):
    def __init__(self): # empty constructor

    def yet_another_task(self):
        # do something with the self attributes


# In file main.py
from pycompss.api.task import task
from utils import MyClass

def ret_func():
    myc = MyClass()
    return myc

def main():
    o = ret_func()
    # invoking a task instance method on a future object can only
    # be done when an empty constructor is defined in the object's
    # class

if __name__=='__main__':

1.2. Task Parameters

The metadata corresponding to a parameter is specified as an argument of the @task decorator, whose name is the formal parameter’s name and whose value defines the type and direction of the parameter. The parameter types and directions can be:

  • Primitive types (integer, long, float, boolean)

  • Strings

  • Objects (instances of user-defined classes, dictionaries, lists, tuples, complex numbers)

  • Files

  • Read-only (IN - default)

  • Read-write (INOUT)

  • Write-only (OUT)

  • Concurrent (CONCURRENT)

  • Conmutative (CONMUTATIVE)

COMPSs is able to automatically infer the parameter type for primitive types, strings and objects, while the user needs to specify it for files. On the other hand, the direction is only mandatory for INOUT and OUT parameters. Thus, when defining the parameter metadata in the @task decorator, the user has the following options:




The parameter is read-only. The type will be inferred.


The parameter is read-write. The type will be inferred.


The parameter is write-only. The type will be inferred.


The parameter is read-write with concurrent access. The type will be inferred.


The parameter is read-write with conmutative access. The type will be inferred.


The parameter is a file. The direction is assumed to be IN.


The parameter is a read-write file.


The parameter is a write-only file.


The parameter is a directory and the direction is IN. The directory will be compressed before any transfer amongst nodes.


The parameter is a read-write directory. The directory will be compressed before any transfer amongst nodes.


The parameter is a write-only directory. The directory will be compressed before any transfer amongst nodes.


The parameter is a concurrent read-write file.


The parameter is a conmutative read-write file.


The parameter is read-only collection.


The parameter is read-write collection.


The parameter is write-only collection.


The parameter is read-only collection of files.


The parameter is read-write collection of files.


The parameter is write-only collection of files.

Consequently, please note that in the following cases there is no need to include an argument in the @task decorator for a given task parameter:

  • Parameters of primitive types (integer, long, float, boolean) and strings: the type of these parameters can be automatically inferred by COMPSs, and their direction is always IN.

  • Read-only object parameters: the type of the parameter is automatically inferred, and the direction defaults to IN.

The parameter metadata is available from the pycompss library (Code 24)

Code 24 Python task parameters import
from pycompss.api.parameter import *

Continuing with the example, in Code 25 the decorator specifies that func has a parameter called f, of type FILE and INOUT direction. Note how the second parameter, i, does not need to be specified, since its type (integer) and direction (IN) are automatically inferred by COMPSs.

Code 25 Python task example with input output file (FILE_INOUT)
from pycompss.api.task import task     # Import @task decorator
from pycompss.api.parameter import *   # Import parameter metadata for the @task decorator

def func(f, i):
     fd = open(f, 'r+')

The user can also define that the access to a parameter is concurrent with CONCURRENT or to a file FILE_CONCURRENT (Code 26). Tasks that share a “CONCURRENT” parameter will be executed in parallel, if any other dependency prevents this. The CONCURRENT direction allows users to have access from multiple tasks to the same object/file during their executions. However, note that COMPSs does not manage the interaction with the objects or files used/modified concurrently. Taking care of the access/modification of the concurrent objects is responsibility of the developer.

Code 26 Python task example with FILE_CONCURRENT
from pycompss.api.task import task     # Import @task decorator
from pycompss.api.parameter import *   # Import parameter metadata for the @task decorator

def func(f, i):

Or even, the user can also define that the access to a parameter is conmutative with CONMUTATIVE or to a file FILE_CONMUTATIVE (Code 27). The execution order of tasks that share a “CONMUTATIVE” parameter can be changed by the runtime following the conmutative property.

Code 27 Python task example with FILE_CONMUTATIVE
from pycompss.api.task import task     # Import @task decorator
from pycompss.api.parameter import *   # Import parameter metadata for the @task decorator

def func(f, i):

Moreover, it is possible to specify that a parameter is a collection of elements (e.g. list) and its direction (COLLECTION_IN or COLLECTION_INOUT) (Code 28). In this case, the list may contain sub-objects that will be handled automatically by the runtime. It is important to annotate data structures as collections if in other tasks there are accesses to individual elements of these collections as parameters. Without this annotation, the runtime will not be able to identify data dependences between the collections and the individual elements.

Code 28 Python task example with COLLECTION (IN)
from pycompss.api.task import task    # Import @task decorator
from pycompss.api.parameter import *  # Import parameter metadata for the @task decorator

def func(my_collection):
     for element in my_collection:

The sub-objects of the collection can be collections of elements (and recursively). In this case, the runtime also keeps track of all elements contained in all sub-collections. In order to improve the performance, the depth of the sub-objects can be limited through the use of the depth parameter (Code 29)

Code 29 Python task example with COLLECTION_IN and Depth
@task(my_collection={Type:COLLECTION_IN, Depth:2})
def func(my_collection):
     for inner_collection in my_collection:
         for element in inner_collection:
             # The contents of element will not be tracked

1.3. Other Task Parameters

1.3.1. Task time out

The user is also able to define the time out of a task within the @task decorator with the time_out=<TIME_IN_SECONDS> hint. The runtime will cancel the task if the time to execute the task exceeds the time defined by the user. For example, Code 30 shows how to specify that the unknown_duration_task maximum duration before canceling (if exceeded) is one hour.

Code 30 Python task time_out example
def unknown_duration_task(self):

1.3.2. Scheduler hints

The programmer can provide hints to the scheduler through specific arguments within the @task decorator.

For instance, the programmer can mark a task as a high-priority task with the priority argument of the @task decorator (Code 31). In this way, when the task is free of dependencies, it will be scheduled before any of the available low-priority (regular) tasks. This functionality is useful for tasks that are in the critical path of the application’s task dependency graph.

Code 31 Python task priority example
def func():

Moreover, the user can also mark a task as distributed with the is_distributed argument or as replicated with the is_replicated argument (Code 32). When a task is marked with is_distributed=True, the method must be scheduled in a forced round robin among the available resources. On the other hand, when a task is marked with is_replicated=True, the method must be executed in all the worker nodes when invoked from the main application. The default value for these parameters is False.

Code 32 Python task is_distributed and is_replicated examples
def func():

def func2():

1.3.3. On failure task behaviour

In case a task fails, the whole application behaviour can be defined using the on_failure argument (Code 33). It has four possible values: ‘RETRY’, ’CANCEL_SUCCESSORS’, ’FAIL’ and ’IGNORE’. ’RETRY’ is the default behaviour, making the task to be executed again (on the same worker or in another worker if the failure remains). ’CANCEL_SUCCESSORS’ ignores the failed task and cancels the execution of the successor tasks, ’FAIL’ stops the whole execution once a task fails and ’IGNORE’ ignores the failure and continues with the normal execution.

Code 33 Python task on_failure example
def func():

1.4. Task Parameters Summary

Table 8 summarizes all arguments that can be found in the @task decorator.

Table 8 Arguments of the @task decorator



Formal parameter name

(default: empty)

The parameter is an object or a simple tipe that will be inferred.


Read-only parameter, all types.


Read-write parameter, all types except file (primitives, strings, objects).


Write-only parameter, all types except file (primitives, strings, objects).


Concurrent read-write parameter, all types except file (primitives, strings, objects).


Conmutative read-write parameter, all types except file (primitives, strings, objects).


Read-only file parameter.


Read-write file parameter.


Write-only file parameter.


Concurrent read-write file parameter.


Conmutative read-write file parameter.


The parameter is a read-only directory.


The parameter is a read-write directory.


the parameter is a write-only directory.


Read-only collection parameter (list).


Read-write collection parameter (list).


Read-only collection parameter (list).


Read-only collection of files parameter (list of files).


Read-write collection of files parameter (list of files).


Read-only collection of files parameter (list opf files).

Dictionary: {Type:(empty=object)/FILE/COLLECTION, Direction:(empty=IN)/IN/INOUT/OUT/CONCURRENT}


int (for integer and boolean), long, float, str, dict, list, tuple, user-defined classes




True or False (default)


True or False (default)


True or False (default)




int (time in seconds)

1.5. Task Return

If the function or method returns a value, the programmer can use the returns argument within the @task decorator. In this argument, the programmer can specify the type of that value (Code 34).

Code 34 Python task returns example
def ret_func():
     return 1

Moreover, if the function or method returns more than one value, the programmer can specify how many and their type in the returns argument. Code 35 shows how to specify that two values (an integer and a list) are returned.

Code 35 Python task with multireturn example
@task(returns=(int, list))
def ret_func():
     return 1, [2, 3]

Alternatively, the user can specify the number of return statements as an integer value (Code 36). This way of specifying the amount of return eases the returns definition since the user does not need to specify explicitly the type of the return arguments. However, it must be considered that the type of the object returned when the task is invoked will be a future object. This consideration may lead to an error if the user expects to invoke a task defined within an object returned by a previous task. In this scenario, the solution is to specify explicitly the return type.

Code 36 Python task returns with integer example
def ret_func():
     return "my_string"

def ret_func():
     return 1, [2, 3]


If the programmer selects as a task a function or method that returns a value, that value is not generated until the task executes (Code 37).

Code 37 Task return value generation
def ret_func():
    return MyClass(...)


if __name__=='__main__':
    o = ret_func()  # o is a future object

The object returned can be involved in a subsequent task call, and the COMPSs runtime will automatically find the corresponding data dependency. In the following example, the object o is passed as a parameter and callee of two subsequent (asynchronous) tasks, respectively (Code 38).

Code 38 Task return value subsequent usage
if __name__=='__main__':
    # o is a future object
    o = ret_func()






PyCOMPSs is able to infer if the task returns something and its amount in most cases. Consequently, the user can specify the task without returns argument. But this is discouraged since it requires code analysis, including an overhead that can be avoided by using the returns argument.


PyCOMPSs is compatible with Python 3 type hinting. So, if type hinting is present in the code, PyCOMPSs is able to detect the return type and use it (there is no need to use the returns):

Code 39 Python task returns with type hinting
def ret_func() -> str:
     return "my_string"

def ret_func() -> (int, list):
     return 1, [2, 3]

1.6. Other task types

In addition to this API functions, the programmer can use a set of decorators for other purposes.

For instance, there is a set of decorators that can be placed over the @task decorator in order to define the task methods as a binary invocation (with the Binary decorator), as a OmpSs invocation (with the OmpSs decorator), as a MPI invocation (with the MPI decorator), as a COMPSs application (with the COMPSs decorator), or as a task that requires multiple nodes (with the Multinode decorator). These decorators must be placed over the @task decorator, and under the @constraint decorator if defined.

Consequently, the task body will be empty and the function parameters will be used as invocation parameters with some extra information that can be provided within the @task decorator.

The following subparagraphs describe their usage.

1.6.1. Binary decorator

The @binary decorator shall be used to define that a task is going to invoke a binary executable.

In this context, the @task decorator parameters will be used as the binary invocation parameters (following their order in the function definition). Since the invocation parameters can be of different nature, information on their type can be provided through the @task decorator.

Code 40 shows the most simple binary task definition without/with constraints (without parameters); please note that @constraint decorator has to be provided on top of the others.

Code 40 Binary task example
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.binary import binary

def binary_func():

def binary_func2():

The invocation of these tasks would be equivalent to:

$ ./mybinary.bin
$ ./otherbinary.bin   # in resources that respect the constraint.

The @binary decorator supports the working_dir parameter to define the working directory for the execution of the defined binary.

Code 41 shows a more complex binary invocation, with files as parameters:

Code 41 Binary task example 2
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.binary import binary
from pycompss.api.parameter import *

@binary(binary="grep", working_dir=".")
@task(infile={Type:FILE_IN_STDIN}, result={Type:FILE_OUT_STDOUT})
def grepper():

# This task definition is equivalent to the folloowing, which is more verbose:

@binary(binary="grep", working_dir=".")
@task(infile={Type:FILE_IN, StdIOStream:STDIN}, result={Type:FILE_OUT, StdIOStream:STDOUT})
def grepper(keyword, infile, result):

if __name__=='__main__':
    infile = "infile.txt"
    outfile = "outfile.txt"
    grepper("Hi", infile, outfile)

The invocation of the grepper task would be equivalent to:

$ # grep keyword < infile > result
$ grep Hi < infile.txt > outfile.txt

Please note that the keyword parameter is a string, and it is respected as is in the invocation call.

Thus, PyCOMPSs can also deal with prefixes for the given parameters. Code 42 performs a system call (ls) with specific prefixes:

Code 42 Binary task example 3
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.binary import binary
from pycompss.api.parameter import *

@task(hide={Type:FILE_IN, Prefix:"--hide="}, sort={Prefix:"--sort="})
def myLs(flag, hide, sort):

if __name__=='__main__':
    flag = '-l'
    hideFile = "fileToHide.txt"
    sort = "time"
    myLs(flag, hideFile, sort)

The invocation of the myLs task would be equivalent to:

$ # ls -l --hide=hide --sort=sort
$ ls -l --hide=fileToHide.txt --sort=time

This particular case is intended to show all the power of the @binary decorator in conjuntion with the @task decorator. Please note that although the hide parameter is used as a prefix for the binary invocation, the fileToHide.txt would also be transfered to the worker (if necessary) since its type is defined as FILE_IN. This feature enables to build more complex binary invocations.

In addition, the @binary decorator also supports the fail_by_exit_value parameter to define the failure of the task by the exit value of the binary (Code 43). It accepts a boolean (True to consider the task failed if the exit value is not 0, or False to ignore the failure by the exit value (default)), or a string to determine the environment variable that defines the fail by exit value (as boolean). The default behaviour (fail_by_exit_value=False) allows users to receive the exit value of the binary as the task return value, and take the necessary decissions based on this value.

Code 43 Binary task example with fail_by_exit_value
@binary(binary="mybinary.bin", fail_by_exit_value=True)
def binary_func():

1.6.2. OmpSs decorator

The @ompss decorator shall be used to define that a task is going to invoke a OmpSs executable (Code 44).

Code 44 OmpSs task example
from pycompss.api.ompss import ompss

def ompss_func():

The OmpSs executable invocation can also be enriched with parameters, files and prefixes as with the @binary decorator through the function parameters and @task decorator information. Please, check Binary decorator for more details.

1.6.3. MPI decorator

The @mpi decorator shall be used to define that a task is going to invoke a MPI executable (Code 45).

Code 45 MPI task example
from pycompss.api.mpi import mpi

@mpi(binary="mpiApp.bin", runner="mpirun", computing_nodes=2)
def mpi_func():

The MPI executable invocation can also be enriched with parameters, files and prefixes as with the @binary decorator through the function parameters and @task decorator information. Please, check Binary decorator for more details.

1.6.4. COMPSs decorator

The @compss decorator shall be used to define that a task is going to be a COMPSs application (Code 46). It enables to have nested PyCOMPSs/COMPSs applications.

Code 46 COMPSs task example
from pycompss.api.compss import compss

@compss(runcompss="${RUNCOMPSS}", flags="-d",
        app_name="/path/to/simple_compss_nested.py", computing_nodes="2")
def compss_func():

The COMPSs application invocation can also be enriched with the flags accepted by the runcompss executable. Please, check execution manual for more details about the supported flags.

1.6.5. Multinode decorator

The @multinode decorator shall be used to define that a task is going to use multiple nodes (e.g. using internal parallelism) (Code 47).

Code 47 Multinode task example
from pycompss.api.multinode import multinode

def multinode_func():

The only supported parameter is computing_nodes, used to define the number of nodes required by the task (the default value is 1). The mechanism to get the number of nodes, threads and their names to the task is through the COMPSS_NUM_NODES, COMPSS_NUM_THREADS and COMPSS_HOSTNAMES environment variables respectively, which are exported within the task scope by the COMPSs runtime before the task execution.

1.6.6. Other task types summary

Next tables summarizes the parameters of these decorators.

  • @binary




    (Mandatory) String defining the full path of the binary that must be executed.


    Full path of the binary working directory inside the COMPSs Worker.

  • @ompss




    (Mandatory) String defining the full path of the binary that must be executed.


    Full path of the binary working directory inside the COMPSs Worker.

  • @mpi




    (Mandatory) String defining the full path of the binary that must be executed.


    Full path of the binary working directory inside the COMPSs Worker.


    (Mandatory) String defining the MPI runner command.


    Integer defining the number of computing nodes reserved for the MPI execution (only a single node is reserved by default).

  • @compss




    (Mandatory) String defining the full path of the runcompss binary that must be executed.


    String defining the flags needed for the runcompss execution.


    (Mandatory) String defining the application that must be executed.


    Integer defining the number of computing nodes reserved for the COMPSs execution (only a single node is reserved by default).

  • @multinode




    Integer defining the number of computing nodes reserved for the task execution (only a single node is reserved by default).

In addition to the parameters that can be used within the @task decorator, Table 9 summarizes the StdIOStream parameter that can be used within the @task decorator for the function parameters when using the @binary, @ompss and @mpi decorators. In particular, the StdIOStream parameter is used to indicate that a parameter is going to be considered as a FILE but as a stream (e.g. >, < and 2> in bash) for the @binary, @ompss and @mpi calls.

Table 9 Supported StdIOStreams for the @binary, @ompss and @mpi decorators



(default: empty)

Not a stream.


Standard input.


Standard output.


Standard error.

Moreover, there are some shorcuts that can be used for files type definition as parameters within the @task decorator (Table 10). It is not necessary to indicate the Direction nor the StdIOStream since it may be already be indicated with the shorcut.

Table 10 File parameters definition shortcuts




Type: COLLECTION, Direction: IN


Type: COLLECTION, Direction: INOUT


Type: COLLECTION, Direction: OUT


Type: COLLECTION (File), Direction: IN


Type: COLLECTION (File), Direction: INOUT


Type: COLLECTION (File), Direction: OUT


Type: File, Direction: IN, StdIOStream: STDIN


Type: File, Direction: IN, StdIOStream: STDOUT


Type: File, Direction: IN, StdIOStream: STDERR


Type: File, Direction: OUT, StdIOStream: STDIN


Type: File, Direction: OUT, StdIOStream: STDOUT


Type: File, Direction: OUT, StdIOStream: STDERR


Type: File, Direction: INOUT, StdIOStream: STDIN


Type: File, Direction: INOUT, StdIOStream: STDOUT


Type: File, Direction: INOUT, StdIOStream: STDERR


Type: File, Direction: CONCURRENT


Type: File, Direction: CONCURRENT, StdIOStream: STDIN


Type: File, Direction: CONCURRENT, StdIOStream: STDOUT


Type: File, Direction: CONCURRENT, StdIOStream: STDERR


Type: File, Direction: CONMUTATIVE


Type: File, Direction: CONMUTATIVE, StdIOStream: STDIN


Type: File, Direction: CONMUTATIVE, StdIOStream: STDOUT


Type: File, Direction: CONMUTATIVE, StdIOStream: STDERR

These parameter keys, as well as the shortcuts, can be imported from the PyCOMPSs library:

from pycompss.api.parameter import *

1.7. Task Constraints

It is possible to define constraints for each task. To this end, the decorator @constraint followed by the desired constraints needs to be placed ON TOP of the @task decorator (Code 48).


Please note the the order of @constraint and @task decorators is important.

Code 48 Constrained task example
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.constraint import constraint
from pycompss.api.parameter import INOUT

def func(a, b, c):
     c += a * b

This decorator enables the user to set the particular constraints for each task, such as the amount of Cores required explicitly. Alternatively, it is also possible to indicate that the value of a constraint is specified in a environment variable (Code 49). A full description of the supported constraints can be found in Table 14.

For example:

Code 49 Constrained task with environment variable example
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.constraint import constraint
from pycompss.api.parameter import INOUT

def func(a, b, c):
     c += a * b

Or another example requesting a CPU core and a GPU (Code 50).

Code 50 CPU and GPU constrained task example
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.constraint import constraint

@constraint(processors=[{'processorType':'CPU', 'computingUnits':'1'},
                        {'processorType':'GPU', 'computingUnits':'1'}])
def func(a, b, c):
     return result

When the task requests a GPU, COMPSs provides the information about the assigned GPU through the COMPSS_BINDED_GPUS, CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES and GPU_DEVICE_ORDINAL environment variables. This information can be gathered from the task code in order to use the GPU.

Please, take into account that in order to respect the constraints, the peculiarities of the infrastructure must be defined in the resources.xml file.

1.8. Multiple Task Implementations

As in Java COMPSs applications, it is possible to define multiple implementations for each task. In particular, a programmer can define a task for a particular purpose, and multiple implementations for that task with the same objective, but with different constraints (e.g. specific libraries, hardware, etc). To this end, the @implement decorator followed with the specific implementations constraints (with the @constraint decorator, see Section [subsubsec:constraints]) needs to be placed ON TOP of the @task decorator. Although the user only calls the task that is not decorated with the @implement decorator, when the application is executed in a heterogeneous distributed environment, the runtime will take into account the constraints on each implementation and will try to invoke the implementation that fulfills the constraints within each resource, keeping this management invisible to the user (Code 51).

Code 51 Multiple task implementations example
from pycompss.api.implement import implement

@implement(source_class="sourcemodule", method="main_func")
def myfunctionWithNumpy(list1, list2):
    # Operate with the lists using numpy
    return resultList

def main_func(list1, list2):
    # Operate with the lists using built-int functions
    return resultList

Please, note that if the implementation is used to define a binary, OmpSs, MPI, COMPSs or multinode task invocation (see Other task types), the @implement decorator must be always on top of the decorators stack, followed by the @constraint decorator, then the @binary/@ompss/@mpi/@compss/@multinode decorator, and finally, the @task decorator in the lowest level.

1.9. Main Program

The main program of the application is a sequential code that contains calls to the selected tasks. In addition, when synchronizing for task data from the main program, there exist seven API functions that can to be invoked:


Check if a file exists. If it does not exist, it check if file has been accessed before by calling the runtime.

compss_open(file_name, mode=’r’)

Similar to the Python open() call. It synchronizes for the last version of file file_name and returns the file descriptor for that synchronized file. It can have an optional parameter mode, which defaults to ’r’, containing the mode in which the file will be opened (the open modes are analogous to those of Python open()).


Notifies the runtime to delete a file.


Synchronizes for the last version of the file file_name. Returns True if success (False otherwise).


Synchronizes for the last version of the directory directory_name. Returns True if success (False otherwise).


Notifies the runtime to delete all the associated files to a given object.


Performs a explicit synchronization, but does not return any object. The use of compss_barrier() forces to wait for all tasks that have been submitted before the compss_barrier() is called. When all tasks submitted before the compss_barrier() have finished, the execution continues. The no_more_tasks is used to specify if no more tasks are going to be submitted after the compss_barrier().


Performs a explicit synchronization over the tasks that belong to the group group_name, but does not return any object. The use of compss_barrier_group() forces to wait for all tasks that belong to the given group submitted before the compss_barrier_group() is called. When all group tasks submitted before the compss_barrier_group() have finished, the execution continues. See Group Tasks for more information about task groups.

compss_wait_on(obj, to_write=True)

Synchronizes for the last version of object obj and returns the synchronized object. It can have an optional boolean parameter to_write, which defaults to True, that indicates whether the main program will modify the returned object. It is possible to wait on a list of objects. In this particular case, it will synchronize all future objects contained in the list.

TaskGroup(group_name, implicit_barrier=True)

Python context to define a group of tasks. All tasks submitted within the context will belong to group_name context and are sensitive to wait for them while the rest are being executed. Tasks groups are depicted within a box into the generated task dependency graph. See Group Tasks for more information about task groups.

To illustrate the use of the aforementioned API functions, the following example (Code 52) first invokes a task func that writes a file, which is later synchronized by calling compss_open(). Later in the program, an object of class MyClass is created and a task method method that modifies the object is invoked on it; the object is then synchronized with compss_wait_on(), so that it can be used in the main program from that point on.

Then, a loop calls again ten times to func task. Afterwards, the barrier performs a synchronization, and the execution of the main user code will not continue until the ten func tasks have finished.

Code 52 PyCOMPSs API usage
from pycompss.api.api import compss_file_exists
from pycompss.api.api import compss_open
from pycompss.api.api import compss_delete_file
from pycompss.api.api import compss_delete_object
from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on
from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on_file
from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on_directory
from pycompss.api.api import compss_barrier

if __name__=='__main__':
    my_file = 'file.txt'
    if compss_file_exists(my_file):
        print("Not exists")
    fd = compss_open(my_file)

    my_file2 = 'file2.txt'

    my_file3 = 'file3.txt'

    my_directory = '/tmp/data'

    my_obj1 = MyClass()

    my_obj2 = MyClass()
    my_obj2 = compss_wait_on(my_obj2)

    for i in range(10):
        func(str(i) + my_file)

The corresponding task selection for the example above would be (Code 53):

Code 53 PyCOMPSs API usage tasks
def func(f):

class MyClass(object):

    def method(self):
        ... # self is modified here


It is possible to synchronize a list of objects. This is particularly useful when the programmer expect to synchronize more than one elements (using the compss_wait_on function) (Code 54. This feature also works with dictionaries, where the value of each entry is synchronized. In addition, if the structure synchronized is a combination of lists and dictionaries, the compss_wait_on will look for all objects to be synchronized in the whole structure.

Code 54 Synchronization of a list of objects
if __name__=='__main__':
    # l is a list of objects where some/all of them may be future objects
    l = []
    for i in range(10):


    l = compss_wait_on(l)


In order to make the COMPSs Python binding function correctly, the programmer should not use relative imports in the code. Relative imports can lead to ambiguous code and they are discouraged in Python, as explained in: http://docs.python.org/2/faq/programming.html#what-are-the-best-practices-for-using-import-in-a-module

1.9.1. Group Tasks

COMPSs also enables to specify task groups. To this end, COMPSs provides the TaskGroup context (Code 55) which can be tuned with the group name, and a second parameter (boolean) to perform an implicit barrier for the whole group. Users can also define task groups within task groups.

Code 55 PyCOMPSs Task group definiton
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.api import TaskGroup
from pycompss.api.api import compss_barrier_group

def func1():

def func2():

def test_taskgroup():
    # Creation of group
    with TaskGroup('Group1', False):
        for i in range(NUM_TASKS):

if __name__=='__main__':

1.9.2. API

Table 11 summarizes the API functions to be used in the main program of a COMPSs Python application.

Table 11 COMPSs Python API functions

API Function



Check if a file exists.

compss_open(file_name, mode=’r’)

Synchronizes for the last version of a file and returns its file descriptor.


Notifies the runtime to remove a file.


Synchronizes for the last version of a file.


Synchronizes for the last version of a directory.


Notifies the runtime to delete the associated file to this object.


Wait for all tasks submitted before the barrier.


Wait for all tasks that belong to group_name group submitted before the barrier.

compss_wait_on(obj, to_write=True)

Synchronizes for the last version of an object (or a list of objects) and returns it.

TaskGroup(group_name, implicit_barrier=True)

Context to define a group of tasks. implicit_barrier forces waiting on context exit.

1.9.3. Local Decorator

Besides the synchronization API functions, the programmer has also a decorator for automatic function parameters synchronization at his disposal. The @local decorator can be placed over functions that are not decorated as tasks, but that may receive results from tasks (Code 56). In this case, the @local decorator synchronizes the necessary parameters in order to continue with the function execution without the need of using explicitly the compss_wait_on call for each parameter.

Code 56 @local decorator example
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on
from pycompss.api.parameter import INOUT
from pycompss.api.local import local

def append_three_ones(v):
    v += [1, 1, 1]

def scale_vector(v, k):
    return [k*x for x in v]

if __name__=='__main__':
    v = [1,2,3]
    # v is automatically synchronized when calling the scale_vector function.
    w = scale_vector(v, 2)

1.10. Exceptions

COMPSs is able to deal with exceptions raised during the execution of the applications. In this case, if a user/python defined exception happens, the user can choose the task behaviour using the on_failure argument within the @task decorator (with four possible values: ‘RETRY’, ’CANCEL_SUCCESSORS’, ’FAIL’ and ’IGNORE’. ’RETRY’ is the default behaviour).

However, COMPSs provides an exception (COMPSsException) that the user can raise when necessary and can be catched in the main code for user defined behaviour management (Code 57). This mechanism avoids any synchronization, and enables applications to react under particular circunstances.

Code 57 COMPSs Exception example
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.exceptions import COMPSsException

def func():
    raise COMPSsException("Something happened!")


if __name__=='__main__':
    except COMPSsException:
        ...  # React to the exception (maybe calling other tasks or with other parameters)

In addition, the COMPSsException can be combined with task groups, so that the tasks which belong to the group will also be cancelled as soon as the COMPSsException is raised (Code 58)

Code 58 COMPSs Exception with task group example
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.exceptions import COMPSsException
from pycompss.api.api import TaskGroup

def func(v):
    if v == 8:
        raise COMPSsException("8 found!")


if __name__=='__main__':
        with TaskGroup('exceptionGroup1'):
            for i in range(10):
    except COMPSsException:
        ...  # React to the exception (maybe calling other tasks or with other parameters)