4. Integration with Numba

PyCOMPSs can also be used with Numba. Numba (http://numba.pydata.org/) is an Open Source JIT compiler for Python which provides a set of decorators and functionalities to translate Python functios to optimized machine code.

4.1. Basic usage

PyCOMPSs’ tasks can be decorated with Numba’s @jit/@njit decorator (with the appropiate parameters) just below the @task decorator in order to apply Numba to that task.

from pycompss.api.task import task     # Import @task decorator
from numba import jit

def numba_func(a, b):

The task will be optimized by Numba within the worker node, enabling COMPSs to use the most efficient implementation of the task (and exploiting the compilation cache – any task that has already been compiled does not need to be recompiled in subsequent invocations).

4.2. Advanced usage

PyCOMPSs can be also used in conjuntion with the Numba’s @vectorize, @guvectorize, @stencil and @cfunc. But since these decorators do not preserve the original argument specification of the original function, their usage is done through the numba parameter withih the @task decorator. The numba parameter accepts:

  • Boolean:

    True: Applies jit to the function.

  • Dictionary{k, v}:

    Applies jit with the dictionary parameters to the function (allows to specify specific jit parameters (e.g.*nopython=True*)).

  • String:
    • “jit”: Applies jit to the function.

    • “njit”: Applies jit with nopython=True to the function.

    • “generated_jit”: Applies generated_jit to the function.

    • “vectorize”: Applies vectorize to the function. Needs some extra flags in the @task decorator:

      • numba_signature: String with the vectorize signature.

    • “guvectorize”: Applies guvectorize to the function. Needs some extra flags in the @task decorator:

      • numba_signature: String with the guvectorize signature.

      • numba_declaration: String with the guvectorize declaration.

    • “stencil”: Applies stencil to the function.

    • “cfunc”: Applies cfunc to the function. Needs some extra flags in the @task decorator:

      • numba_signature: String with the cfunc signature.

Moreover, the @task decorator also allows to define specific flags for the jit, njit, generated_jit, vectorize, guvectorize and cfunc functionalities with the numba_flags hint. This hint is used to declare a dictionary with the flags expected to use with these numba functionalities. The default flag included by PyCOMPSs is the cache=True in order to exploit the function caching of Numba across tasks.

For example, to apply Numba jit to a task:

from pycompss.api.task import task

@task(numba='jit')  # Aternatively: @task(numba=True)
def jit_func(a, b):

And if the developer wants to use specific flags with jit (e.g. parallel=True), the numba_flags must be defined with a dictionary where the key is the numba flag name, and the value, the numba flag value to use):

from pycompss.api.task import task

@task(numba='jit', numba_flags={'parallel':True})
def jit_func(a, b):

Other Numba’s functionalities require the specification of the function signature and declaration. In the next example a task that will use the vectorize with three parameters and a specific flag to target the cpu is shown:

from pycompss.api.task import task

      numba_signature=['float32(float32, float32, float32)'],
def vectorize_task(a, b, c):
    return a * b * c

Details about numba and the specification of the signature, declaration and flags can be found in the Numba’s webpage (http://numba.pydata.org/).